Forte Insurance

Get covered online

Create a secure and hassle-free insurance buying journey


2021 - 2022 / 2 months


Research, UI/UX Design, Branding, Design system, Information architecture, Testing

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introducing forte insurance

Forte Insurance (Forte) is a Canadian insurance company selling over 300 customized products and bundle packages. They have primarily focused on B2B for the past 30 years. This is a conceptual project. Credit to Vijay Verma for providing such beautiful illustrations.


Losing the young generation market

Market share in Gen Z is shrinking because Forte has been relying on financial agents to sell its insurance products to individuals and businesses regionally.

How might we refresh Forte's brand to attract the younger generation and enable online insurance purchases?

New look, same trusted insurance that you know and love.

Showcase of four final designs

Skip to final design

Discovery phrase

Insurance is a big topic

The level of insurance knowledge varies among users. I conducted extensive user research to learn about our target users at age of 20 - 40.

3 key pain points

Relevant valuable findings

Competitive research

Competitive research of five top insurance companies comparing SWOP

Analyzed keen competitors in the market to get an insight into their SWOP.

online survey





Survey duration

3 days


Google Form

Excellent customer service

Over 60% of respondents are looking for stunning reviews of customer service when they are considering an insurance company. They also think an easy claiming process is part of customer service.

user interview




10 - 20 mins


Google Meet

Customization is king

77% of participants preferred the ability to tailor-make their own plan, and even better if they can bundle up different products.

Card sorting




Optimal Workshop


Hybrid + Open

Define information architecture

Insurance products could be confusing to many sometimes. To learn about target users’ understanding, I conducted two sets of card sorting remotely.

Similarity metric showing six groupings are generated

Six insurance product groupings are identified in the hybrid card sorting by the similarity matrix. They are Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Travel Insurance and Cyber Insurance.

Standardization grid showing five categories are identified

Five categories are Identified for our information architecture in the open card sorting by similarity matrix and the standardization grid. They are About, Actions, Education, Product and Tools.


Young generations do not feel confident when they purchase insurance products online because they find it difficult in comparing plans and the price is not fully transparent.

Articulating findings into Forte

core product features

Nice-to-have recommendations

site map

Hybrid and open card sorting was conducted to learn about users' understanding of insurance products and define the information architecture which makes sense to the users.

User flow

Buying auto insurance

Jacob, our persona, saw Forte’s sponsored feed on Instagram and decided to buy the auto insurance from Forte.

Let's validate

usability test



Tasks performed



1 hour


Google Meet

Test subject

Hi-fidelity desktop prototype

Top 3 frustrations


Randomize order to eliminate bias

Design A and Design B were tested on the Quote page using two routes: Route 1 (A then B) and Route 2 (B then A), with participants randomly assigned to each route to avoid bias.

Wow, I love that Ronnie has actually called out my name.

Phoebe / 26, Single

This hovering effect looks very fun!!


I LOVE the checkout bar - I’m in full control of my plan and budget.

Kit / Mid 20, Single

Would be nice if I could see the search by product filter upfront ...

Many of them

Next, I made some iterations focusing on certain features that bring greater user value with the least effort. Due to the limited timeframe, a Feature Priority Matrix was used to determine the relationship.

Final design


Some examples of mobile versions. Homepage, Quote page, Customization page and Contact us page.


Some examples of desktop versions. Homepage, Product page, and Plan selection page.

Feature highlight

Design highlight #1

Full transparent pricing

Full transparent pricing

All users had difficulty to keep tracking the price during plan customization.

Real-time price on checkout bar

The Quote page has a sticky checkout bar with real-time price updates based on user customizations. What you see is what you pay.

Design highlight #2

Multiple steps of customization

Multiple steps of customization

50% of users found the Quote page overwhelming due to its length and the need for excessive scrolling during the second usability test.

Lateral navigation

Separating the quoting process into multi-step pages for better lateral navigation. A progress indicator allows users to track progress and jump into any step at their best convenience. This helps users to digest.

Design highlight #3

Characteristic brand identity

Characteristic brand identity

66% of users mentioned that the website brand identity is crucial for them to trust an online insurance website because it is the first impression of a storefront.

Friendly agent Ronnie

Ronnie is a virtual assistant that helps users with insurance quotes. She guides users through the process, similar to an in-person experience. Users can easily find Ronnie as she is located as a FAB at the bottom right of the website.

Design highlight #4

Control of navigation

Control of navigation

The plan review summary is too general and lacks item details. Participants were not sure about the EDIT DETAIL since they didn’t know where this will take them.

User-friendly review

Show detailed descriptions for each item. A hyperlink EDIT is next to each item, allowing the user to jump back to different steps without going through the whole process.


Your friendly and reliable support

With an energetic, youthful, and contemporary vibe, Forte now speaks perfectly to our users.

Playful design with approachable big titles and visuals, while using a more serious font for details to highlight Forte's commitment to user protection.


"I would purchase insurance from this website." In the second usability test, most find the website looks friendly, easy to use and interactive.

Interesting facts


People do love the instant feedback

Don Norman isn’t lying. People generally like anything that responds to their actions, either micro-animation or audio.

During the usability test, participants even clicked a button that is not relevant, as long as the hovering animation looks fascinating to them.


They hate the search bar

All 5 participants hated the search bar on the FAQs page due to difficulties in coming up with keywords and uncertainty about where the search button takes them.

This is intriguing as the search bar has been incredibly efficient for me. But, I’m not the user.

Most preferred clickable options to narrow down the search for a sense of control.

A few words ...

I’d call it a big achievement if the user feels good filling in the form I designed.  Everyone knows filling out information is the most annoying thing to do. It’s simply an art of balancing simplicity and necessity for the designers.

In the next step, I’d love to add the product comparison feature, so users can pick any plans to compare side by side and make decisions more effortless and quicker.

New project?

or we can talk about anything.

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